Attendance control - From RFID to Biometrics
Areas of Application and Goals
Optimize security and organization with attendance control! From educational institutions to field service, we offer flexible solutions for precise objectives.
Special Solutions and Support
As an independent strong IT-consultancy service provider, we support you with a broad portfolio of individual services, carefully selected products, and proven solution partners. In complex projects, we are your supplier for hardware, software, and services - all competently from one source.
Attendance control is used whenever it is necessary to register whether and which persons are present in specific areas. At the same time, these systems can be used to detect absences and initiate countermeasures. An area can be a building, a particularly sensitive section within a building, a closed outdoor area, or an accessible perimeter around a specific object.
Prior to the technical implementation of an attendance control system, comprehensive planning is crucial as the question of the technology to be used cannot be answered universally. Depending on the purpose, legal framework, available shared systems, and budget, attendance control can be implemented using different technologies.
The areas of application for attendance control systems are diverse and pursue various goals. Possible areas of application include:
► educational and care facilities | ► office buildings | ► production areas | ► logistics companies |
► securing goods | ► company premises | ► field service | ► security areas, etc. |
In the first step, it must be clearly defined what goal the attendance control system should fulfill and what benefits it should provide. Of course, individual systems can also pursue multiple goals. Should it record employees' attendance time for payroll purposes or inform the fire department in case of a fire about how many people are still in the area? Should it monitor students' presence in class or ensure timely arrival of field service employees at customer locations? Should only the number of people be recorded or their exact identity?
The user must be able to describe in detail whose presence should be recorded, for which areas this must be done, and what events they want to protect against with the attendance control system. Typical goals of attendance control include:
► evacuation in case of fire or emergency | ► monitoring school attendance & student whereabouts | ► monitoring working hours |
► overview of people or goods | ► support for service dispatchers | ► increased burglary & theft protection |
INCA® is a brand of ibes AG and has been standing for reliable and modern technology in the areas of access control, time tracking, and attendance tracking for over 40 years.
We offer our customers individual system solutions that can be quickly and easily adapted to their needs. The core of our systems is always our comprehensive, modular access control and time tracking software, to which we only connect state-of-the-art hardware components. Since producing our hardware requires a lot of know-how and experience, we manufacture a large part of the technology ourselves. Our proprietary developments include terminals, controllers, and tracking devices including portals. We source the remaining components from leading manufacturers with whom we have long-standing partnerships.
Our customers include many medium-sized companies and educational institutions, as well as corporations such as Audi AG or Verbundnetz Gas AG. We would be very pleased to welcome your company among our customers in the future.